To look good you don't only have to pay attention to clothes. The products you use in your daily beauty routine are also crucial to make you look great. Today I would like to share with you some of my basics when talking about beauty. Is there anyone that you also use?
Para conseguir lucir radiante no hay que prestar atención sólo a la ropa. Los productos de nuestra rutina de belleza diaria son también muy importantes para que consigamos un buen resultado. Hoy me gustaría compartir con vosotr@s mis básicos de belleza. ¿Hay alguno de ellos que también uséis?
Para conseguir lucir radiante non hai que prestar atención só á roupa. Os produtos da nosa rutina de beleza diaria son tamén moi importantes para que consigamos un bo resultado. Hoxe gustaríame compartir con vós algúns dos meus básicos en canto a beleza se refire. Hai algún deles que tamén usedes?
1. Biotherm: Instant Hidration Toning Lotion + Aquasource (moisturizing gel)
I've been using this product since I was 19 years old. I have to admit that it is my Nº1 essential and I love the texture, the smell and above all the result. Even though I've tried some other moisturising creams this is my favourite one and I really like it. The tonic is also very gentle with the skin and it's a good complement to the moisturizer.
2. Nivea: Rich Nourishing Body Moisturiser (dry skin)
For my body I always use Nivea. I have a very dry sking (mostly my legs) so I use this one with almond oil which hydrates really well.
3. Deborah: Rossetto Atomic Red Nº10 lipstick.
It's been with me for years as well. It's the colour I almost always wear on my lips!
4. L'oréal: Glam Bronze (compact long-lasting bronzing powder).
I use them all the year. They really help you achieve a good-looking skin.
5. L'oréal: Mat'morphose (mousse foundation)
Very easy to apply and with a very natural result.
6. L'oréal: Volume Millions de Cils, extra-black (mascara)
Don't hesitate to use this mascara if you want extra volume in your eyelashes and dramatic eyes. This one together with L'Extreme by Lancôme are my favourites.
7. Oriflame: Silk Beauty (hand cream)
I can't leave home without this cream on my hands. It's absolutely miraculous.
8. The Body Shop: Honey Bronze, Nº01 Honey Kissed (shimmering dry oil)
I never go totally bare legged because I always apply some of this product. In winter time I give the bronzer a respite but as soon as I don't need to use tights, there is nothing better I can wear on my legs.
9. The Body Shop: Born Lippy, Strawberry (lip balm)
Great taste and smell. Your lips shine a little bit and they are very well hydrated.
I hope you enjoyed the post. Which ones are your indispensable products? Have a great weekend! :)
Espero que hayáis disfrutado el post. ¿Cuáles son vuestros esenciales de belleza? Un besoo! :)
Espero que disfrutásedes o post. Cáles son os vosos esenciais de beleza? Un bicoo! :)